David Goggins Daily Routine

David Goggins

David Goggins is an accomplished military man, ultra-marathon runner, motivational speaker, and author. He is the only man to have completed Navy SEAL training, Army Ranger Training, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training earning him the title ‘’toughest man in the world’’.

So what does a normal day look like for this Superman?


  • David is a true early riser as he begins his day at 3.00 am.
  • Rehydrates with a glass of water
  • Practices mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes
  • He either goes for a 2-hour stretching exercise that includes hamstring stretches, hip stretches, quad stretches, tricep, and bicep stretches, as well the side oblique stretches to awaken his muscles, or goes for a run.
  • Typically runs for 10-15 miles daily depending on whether or not he’s training for an event.
  • Cycles for 25 miles to work
  • Takes a 5-mile mid-morning run at 11 am.

Throughout the day

  • Practices intermittent fasting and delays taking meals until after the mid-morning run
  • Takes breakfast consisting of bullet-proof coffee with unsalted butter and MCT oil along with steel-cut oats and blueberries or 2 fried eggs to fuel his body.
  • Gets to work that includes preparing motivational speeches, writing, and managing his business.
  • Finishes work at around 4 
  • Cycles for 25 miles back home


  • Goes for an evening run covering 5-6 miles.
  • Prepares and takes evening meal consisting of pork chops, grilled beef, chicken, or fish along with steamed vegetables.
  • Settles to read a book specifically motivational or self-improvement books and even biographies.
  • Spends time with his wife
  • Retires to bed at 10 pm

Dr. Sam Bunting Morning Routine

Dr. Sam

Dr. Sam Bunting is a renowned London-based cosmetic dermatologist and entrepreneur who believes that self-care begins with self-awareness. She opines that adopting certain habits will enable you to win your morning and consequently your day.

Wake Up:

  • Dr Sam wakes up at 7.00 am.
  • She then starts her day by practicing Vedic meditation for exactly 22 minutes. This process involves using a mantra to settle the mind and find internal peace for the day.
  • She sets the meditation mood right by ensuring that the room smells nice which she achieves by lighting jasmine-scented candles.
  • After meditation, Dr Sam goes for a workout to fuel her body and boost her overall wellness. She combines HIIT on a rowing machine for cardio and resistance training with weights for strength.
  • She then jumps in for a cold shower spending between 1-2 minutes in cold water to help enhance her mood and boost alertness.
  • She then goes ahead to take a protein-rich breakfast.

Physical Activity:

  • To fuel her body, Dr Sam carries out invigorating exercises to boost energy levels and improve general wellness.
  • She uses a combination of HIIT exercises with a roller and cardio exercises to get a total body workout in a short period. 
  • She also practices strength exercises using weights.


  • Dr Sam nourishes her body by taking protein-dense diets which ensure optimal nutrition for both her mind and body.
  • For breakfast, she prioritizes protein-rich foods such as bagels, yogurt, nuts, and seeds. She prefers a cup of English breakfast with a dash of oat milk. She also incorporates blueberries for a healthy dose of antioxidants.
  • She avoids taking caffeine outside breakfast
  • She takes nicotinamide mononucleotide supplements to promote cellular mitochondrial health and brain function.
  • For lunch, Dr Sam prefers sweet potatoes with spices plus greens such as avocado, cherry tomatoes, rocket,  and seeds or sweet potatoes with feta, falafel, and smoked salmon.
  • May take a cup of decaffeinated coffee after eating.
  • Snacks on an apple with a spoonful of nut butter.
  • Healthy curries or baked salmon with spinach and tahini make dinner for Dr Sam.
  • To wind down, she has ginger or mint tea and on some occasions, Tony’s Salt Caramel chocolate or a couple of candy kittens.

Work Day

  • Dr Sam spends most of her day in a flow state, fully absorbed in work with no space to get bored or worried.
  • She takes short breaks during work and practices a process called physiological sigh which involves taking deep breaths followed by long exhaling.
  • This takes about 3-5 minutes and helps improve oxygenation and keep her calm and alert.

Evening Routine 

  • Dr Sam’s evenings are mainly focused on relaxation.
  • At 10 pm, she switches off all screens to prep her mind for sleep
  • She then performs her pre-bed rituals which include having a warm bath, doing a night skincare routine, playing some classical music, and dimming lights.
  • She takes magnesium supplementation to help increase her dopamine levels.
  • For better relaxation and sleep, Dr Sam practices Yoga Nidra especially when she is having trouble switching off. 

Mark Wahlberg Daily Routine

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg, an American rapper, actor, entrepreneur, and a father of four made headlines when he shared his intensive daily routine. 

The schedule starts very early in the morning and includes two workout sessions and cryotherapy.

Come with us as we dive into Mark’s daily schedule.


  • Wakes up between 3.30 am and 4.00 am.
  • Spends the first 45 minutes praying 
  • Prepares and takes breakfast of steel oats, blueberries, eggs, and peanut butter for the daily dose of healthy fats and calories.
  • Starts his workout which lasts between 3.40 and 5.15 am and involves using the RAMP technique followed by unilateral and bilateral strength training using heavy bands and free weights.
  • The workout includes reverse lunges, vertical presses, and overhead presses for weight training.
  • Goes for his post-workout meal consisting of three turkey burgers, five pieces of sweet potatoes, and a performance-inspired nutrition vanilla latte protein shake. 
  • Takes a shower
  • Heads to the golf club at 7.30
  • Gets back home between 8.30 am and 9 am
  • Enjoys a snack of ten turkey meatballs
  • Heads to the Cryo chamber for a recovery session
  • Takes another snack consisting of grilled chicken along with two boiled eggs and a salad containing olives, avocado, cucumber, tomato, and lettuce.


  • Does his work from home which includes answering emails and calls and attending to his social media between 11 am and 1 pm.
  • Takes lunch consisting of New York steak with green peppers
  • Resumes to work involving answering more calls, emails, and texts between 2 pm to 3 pm
  • Picks up his kids from school at 3 pm
  • Takes another snack consisting of grilled chicken and bok choi at 3.30 pm


  • Heads for his second workout session at 4 pm which he begins by listening to Sportscenter on ESPN, then transitions to music, and ends on the VersaClimber for his cardio. 
  • Takes a shower
  • Goes for dinner consisting of fish such as seabass, halibut, or cod along with some vegetables or sauteed potatoes with his family.
  • Spends quality time with his wife and kids
  • Retires to bed at 7.30 pm aiming for 6-7 hours of sleep daily to ensure optimal recovery from his workouts.

Peter Attia’s Daily Routine: Longevity Optimised

Peter Attia

Peter Attia is an American-Canadian physician best known for his nutrition, fitness, sleep, and overall wellness expertise. Attia has put up strategies focused on promoting a longer, healthier life filled with physical vitality, emotional balance, and mental engagement.

Morning Routine

  • Wakes up early, usually at 4.00 am
  • Rejuvenates with  sugar and caffeine-free Biosteel sports hydration mix
  • Meditates for 20 minutes with apps such as Waking Up and  10% Happier.
  • Takes his daily morning supplement stack which includes 1 scoop of Athletic Greens (AG1), 2 SlowMag tablets, Curcumin Extract, Fish oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Baby Aspirin, Methyl B12, and folate, and a protein powder shake.
  • Enjoys a cup of hand-crafted French press coffee
  • Fuels up with a high protein breakfast consisting of 8 eggs with toast and butter or Keto-friendly cereals specifically, Magic Spoon cereal or whole foods.
  • Follows up with a protein powder shake made with almond milk, high-quality protein powder, and frozen fruit.
  • Does foam rolling and mobilization movement to prep his body for exercise
  • Has a 60-90 minute workout focused on functional strength training and high-intensity cardio.

Peter Attia’s Workout Routine

Peter designs his workout routine around four major objectives which include:

  • Stability training consisting of daily exercises to promote joint stability and balance
  • Strength training which includes 3 sessions focusing on major compound lifts.
  • Aerobic training which includes 3 hours of cardio training per week split into 3-4 sessions targeted at building aerobic endurance.
  • Anaerobic training which involves 2 weekly sessions of high-intensity interval training.


  • Kickstarts his day with an extensive array of supplements aimed at providing essential nutrients for longevity.
  • Opts for a high-protein breakfast
  • Adds a protein shake to meet his daily protein requirements
  • Prefers chicken salad mixed with vegetables, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and occasionally hard-boiled eggs, avocado, and cheese.
  • Recommends intermittent fasting, particularly the 16/8 fasting method.

Work and Productivity

  • Peter prioritizes deep work (writing) in the morning 
  • He cherishes the time between 4 am and 7 am as he considers it his golden period of productivity.

Afternoon Routine 

  • Spends most of his afternoon working
  • Takes lunch 
  • Prefers a standing desk to minimize prolonged sitting 
  • Embraces movement to counter the negative effects associated with a sedentary lifestyle

Evening Routine 

  • Takes his dinner
  • Takes sleep-targeted evening supplements 
  • The supplements include 2 grams of glycine, 2 capsules of magnesium L-Threonate, 600 mg of Ashwagandha, and occasional melatonin or phosphatidylserine.
  • Reads historical nonfiction and self-improvement books before bed
  • Carries out various sleep optimization rituals using various strategies and devices including temperature regulation, blue light blocking, putting on eye masks, and continuous glucose monitors.
  • Sleeps for at least 8 hours a day.

Bryan Johnson hair health routine

First thing in the morning – red light therapy for 6 minutes

Secondly applies custom hair formulation: (applied once or twice per day)

Caffeine USP 1%
Finasteride USP 0.25%
Minoxidil USP 5%
Azelaic Acid 1.5%
Diclofenac 0.5%
Tea Tree Oil 5%
Rosemary Oil 0.37%
Ginko Biloba 0.05%
Biotin 0.01%
Melatonin USP 0.0033%

Third – microneedeling

FourthGrey Hair reversal

GR7 – 3-4x per week + Mayraki 1-2x per week

Current skincare routine 2024 January

Official routine

Tony Robbins Routine

Tony Robbins Routine

Tony Robbins is an American entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker, and life and business coach best known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books.

So, how does Tony manage to remain energetic despite his busy schedule?


Tony begins his mornings with an adrenal support cocktail, a priming meditation exercise, a brief workout, a short sauna, and a cold plunge.

  • Wakes up between 7 am and 9 am
  • Takes an adrenal support cocktail consisting of a smoothie made with greens powder, antioxidants, and vitamin C plus methylated B vitamin capsules blended with extra nutrients.
  • Do a 10-minute priming meditation exercise which includes practicing breathing exercises for 1 minute, taking 3 minutes to express gratitude, 3 minutes to experience connection, and 3 minutes visualizing success.
  •  Next is an intense 15-minute workout with a personal trainer which includes using an Osteostrong machine for 5 minutes and 4 minutes in the ROM Quick Gym.
  • Goes for 3-5 minutes sauna and cold plunge
  • Practices back inversion for 2 minutes on a back inversion machine
  • Takes a vitamin shake
  • Takes breakfast consisting of free-range eggs and organic coconut bread or leafy salad with avocado or olive oil.


  • Kicks off with a salad
  • Meets with his team to discuss and organize upcoming meetings and seminars
  • Goes for meetings
  • Spends time with his wife and daughter


  • Takes dinner comprising of organic proteins, vegetables, and potatoes
  • Gets a snack later to replenish his energy
  • Goes for presentations.
  • Meets with his team to review his meetings 
  • Retires to bed for 3-5 hours, usually between 2 and 4 in the morning.

Tim Ferriss Skin Care Routine 

Tim Ferris is an American author, entrepreneur, investor, podcaster, and lifestyle guru best known for his best-selling books and successful investments.

The first thing you’ll notice the moment you see or meet Tim Ferris is his enviably flawless skin. 

Here is Tim Ferris’s Skincare routine and the products he uses to keep his skin beautiful.

Tim Ferris Skin Care Routine

This is what his routine looks like

  • Uses Dr Bronner’s unscented castile soap for his face, hands, and body
  • Avoids using sunscreens but occasionally opts for Zinc Oxide whenever he is exposed to extremely harsh conditions.
  • Uses long-sleeved shirts, hats,  and other things to minimize sun exposure.
  • Prefers to take short breaks during sun exposure to allow his body to acclimate slowly.
  •  Pays special attention to his diet and consumes lots of healthy fats

Well, that’s it. It’s all about simplicity.