First thing in the morning – red light therapy for 6 minutes

Bryan Johnson uses Capillus 312 diode laser cap.
Secondly applies custom hair formulation: (applied once or twice per day)
Caffeine USP 1%
Finasteride USP 0.25% (
Minoxidil USP 5% (Minoxidil is clinically proved to increase hair growth)
Azelaic Acid 1.5%
Diclofenac 0.5%
Tea Tree Oil 5%
Rosemary Oil 0.37%
Ginko Biloba 0.05%
Biotin 0.01%
Melatonin USP 0.0033%
Third – microneedeling. He uses Dr. Pen M8, but he does not specify the exact cartridge he use.
Fourth – Grey Hair reversal –
GR7 – 3-4x per week + Mayraki 1-2x per week
His general advice is to start early – before you start losing hair