
Sleep routines summarised

  1. Prioritize Sleep: Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is crucial for maintaining optimal health. This is particularly important for night shift workers, who are encouraged to create a dark, quiet sleeping environment and practice relaxation techniques like reading or meditating before bed.
  2. Light Management: Tim Gray and Andrew Huberman both recommend managing exposure to light to regulate the circadian rhythm. Tim Gray, for instance, suggests using red-toned lights and blackout blinds to signal to the body that it’s time for sleep. Huberman emphasizes avoiding blue light before bed and turning off electronics to improve sleep quality.
  3. Supplements for Sleep: Magnesium and Apigenin are popular choices for improving sleep and relaxation, as recommended by both Huberman and Dr. Sam Bunting. These supplements help with relaxation and reduce stress levels, which can enhance sleep depth and quality.
  4. Biohacking Gadgets: Sleep tracking tools such as Oura Rings or devices like ChiliPads are used by biohackers like Tim Gray to monitor and optimize sleep patterns. These devices help in adjusting routines to ensure the body gets the best restorative sleep.
  5. Pre-Bed Rituals: Pre-sleep routines, like warm baths, skincare, and listening to classical music, are helpful for calming the mind and preparing for sleep. Dr. Sam Bunting recommends dimming lights and avoiding screens an hour before bed to create a sleep-friendly atmosphere.

All these strategies emphasize the importance of creating a holistic sleep routine tailored to individual needs while using modern biohacking techniques to maximize sleep efficiency.